We set up the independent Examining Board to certify the attainment of recognised standards of competence in the practice of occupational hygiene. Find out about our internationally recognised qualifications in occupational hygiene and allied subjects.
BOHS Qualifications
Our Proficiency qualifications are designed for those working in a specialist area at a practical level with the responsibility of monitoring, managing, and controlling risk in the workplace. The qualification codes start with a 'P'.
We also offer one day refresher courses for some qualifications, which start with 'RP'.
For candidates living/working outside of the UK, UK Proficiency qualifications are updated with reference to legislation fro different countries. The qualification codes start with 'IP'.
From 1st January 2025, BOHS no longer awards for, or recognises courses of, OHTA. BOHS certificated learning for W500 and ICertOH will continue to be recognised.
International candidates can study and be awarded occupational hygiene qualifications, based on our established and globally recognised standards. Please refer to International Qualifications M-Series FAQs - British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS).
BOHS is the UK’s recognition body for Occupational/Industrial Hygiene qualifications from overseas. To meet UK competency standards, you should also seek registration with BOHS if you intend to work in occupational hygiene in the UK for more than 6 months- Register of Occupational Hygiene Professionals - British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS).
If you have an Occupational Hygiene qualification from another jurisdiction, you should check for its recognition with membership@bohs.org.
Candidates living and working outside the UK who have completed the core training W500/M500 modules can apply for three years of free membership of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene at Associate level to support their progression towards ICertOH. They are entitled to membership benefits as Associates Members of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene, including the right, by Royal Charter, to use the postnominals AFOH after their name and free access to the Annals of Work Exposures and Health.
Subjects Covered
Become a Professional Occupational Hygienist
Professional Qualifications
For those wishing to develop a higher level of knowledge in a specific field, here we have the qualifications for you.
Become Chartered
Show a high level of professional competence, credibility and experience through the internationally recognised Chartered Membership.
Join a Faculty
Achieve recognition in the industry and support your career development by joining a BOHS Faculty.