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To create your account simply follow the instructions below:
Step 1:
Click the button below or enter into your browser.
Step 2:
Click on 'Create account now'.
Step 3:
As the platform uses Single Sign-On through iMIS, you will be asked to enter your 'My BOHS' login details to log in.
Step 4:
Once logged in, check the boxes for joining as a mentor, mentee or both and fill in your profile.
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Mentoring for mentors
A mentor is someone who will encourage and support a mentee to make the most of their career or business. As a mentor, your role is to be a trusted confidant, helping the mentee to make informed choices. Although the final decisions are always in the mentee's hands, a mentor can be invaluable in guiding the mentee to consider the options, get new information and identify the support they need.

Mentoring for mentees
Mentees can expand their knowledge and skills, gain valuable advice from a more experienced person, and build their professional networks. And both partners can improve their communication skills, learn new ways of thinking, and, ultimately, advance their careers.
Mentoring relationships can be mutual, or two-way, with each person being both the mentor of and mentee of the other person. Alternatively, they can be one way only, although an individual may have his or her own mentor while also acting as a mentor for others at the same time.
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