Breathe Freely

Breathe Freely is our initiative aimed at reducing occupational lung disease in the UK, which causes significant debilitating ill-health and an estimated 13,000 deaths per year.

Breathe Freely

Visit the Breathe Freely website for more information on the campaign

Find out more

Breathe Freely in numbers

Campaign Supporters

134 companies operating  in the UK

Campaign Champions

14 Breathe Freely Champions

Breathe Freely Roadshows

30 Roadshows
More than 1.700 Delegates

People reached (2015 - 2019)

51,698 new users

75,222 sessions

168,768 page views

Welding Fume Control Selector Tool users


Welding Fume Control Selector Tool downloads

More than 1.000

Breathe Freely around the world

In 2019, BOHS generously allowed the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) to develop the Breathe Freely Australia program to meet Australian industry needs.

In 2020, the New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS) also adopted the campaign for education and awareness of safe work practices to prevent dust-related occupational lung disease.