Individual Membership
Individual membership is open to anyone with interest in occupational hygiene and its related fields.
Why join?
Joining as an individual member gives you immediate access to our resources, and demonstrates your support to the work of the British Occupational Hygiene Society in raising awareness of worker health protection.
Benefits of Membership
Being an individual member provides you with access to a wide variety of free regional meetings on a range of topics. You will also receive discounted rates when booking onto paid BOHS events. You can discover an extensive network of professionals to build and exchange expertise and knowledge, including a searchable online membership directory
Each year BOHS provides you with monthly e-bulletins with society and industry news as well as publishing the BOHS Exposure magazine, providing updates on Society activities.
You will have full access to the Annals of Work Exposures and Health, our peer-reviewed scientific journal usually worth over £1000, including the entire archive and 20% discount on any public health and epidemiology titles published by OUP.
All BOHS members receive their own online account where they can review their career progress.
Why Join BOHS?
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