OH2022 Sustainable Workplace Health Conference Belfast, NI, 20-23 June 2022

The leading Occupational Hygiene and Worker Health Protection conference in the UK

The British Occupational Hygiene Society, a Scientific charity and the Chartered Society for worker health protection is delighted to welcome attendees at the OH2022 Sustainable Workplace Health Conference taking place in Belfast from Monday 20 to Thursday 23 June.


OH2022 is the leading international conference in the field of worker health protection in the UK, focussing on occupational hygiene and the prevention of occupational ill-health and disease. It brings together industry leaders, researchers, practitioners, regulators and other experts from around the world to discuss the very latest in issues that affect health at work, over an exciting programme which combines inspiring and thought-leading plenary sessions with scientific and technical sessions, as well as a range of interactive workshops and case studies.

On the first day of the event, the Society’s Faculty of Occupational Hygiene (FOH) will offer free Professional Development Sessions on three different topics:

  • Metalworking Fluids Assessment
  • Leadership and Good Practice Management for Occupational Hygiene
  • Occupational Hygiene Reports

The four-day conference programme also includes a presentation by the HSE on their strategic approach to reducing ill health, sessions on Airborne Contaminants, Noise, Workplace Health and sessions focusing on Occupational Hygiene in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

This year’s conference will be taking place in Belfast, Northern Ireland with the option to book a “digital delegate pass” to catch up on the recordings of all the conference sessions for those unable to attend in person.

A wide range of exhibitors will be highlighting the latest in health protection technology.

The CEO of the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Professor Kevin Bampton said “We are delighted to be bringing our national conference to Northern Ireland for the first time in our near 70-year history. The line-up of speakers is really impressive, with outstanding opportunities to learn and develop skills in protecting people’s health at work. Of course, if you are going to meet up with fellow professionals informally, there are few better places than in Belfast, so the social programme is also particularly strong!”

You can find the conference programme here and more details here.