Other awards
The prize
A representative of the winning authors will receive:
- £500 cash prize.
Selection process
Every two years we ask our readers to nominate papers from Annals of Work Exposures and Health that they have found particularly interesting or useful, or in other ways worthy of consideration. The papers must have been published in volumes in the previous two years.
Any reader may nominate up to three papers, except for someone working in the organisation of one of the authors, or with a close personal link with an author. A nomination should be accompanied by up to 150 words drawing attention to the paper’s strong points, and by the name and address of the nominator (which will not be disclosed to the panel).
The winner is chosen from the list of nominated papers by a panel of the Editorial Board and three prominent members of BOHS, who report to the BOHS Board.
Terms and conditions
Shortlisted applicants will need to be available to attend the BOHS awards presentation evening on 19th September 2024 at The Brandon Hall Hotel & Spa in Coventry. Tickets, travel and accommodation will be booked at your own expense. The award ceremony will be photographed and filmed and used for publicity following the event.
The applicant agrees that BOHS may use their name, and the name of their nomination, and likeness for advertising and publicity purposes in connection with the awards, including but not limited to publication of their name, and the name of their nomination. The winner (and their representatives and personnel) may be required to and agree to take part in reasonable publicity events in connection with the award.
Annals of Work Exposures and HealthOther awards

In 1945, Thomas became renowned for his publication of the ‘M.C.R War Memorandum No17 on Environmental Warmth and its Measurements’, which saw issues, such as medical officers not being able to use various equipment due to lack of knowledge, being highlighted and resolved.
It was after this that Thomas specialised in researching thermal comfort, and in 1948 he wrote a book on his research on the ‘basic principles of heating and ventilating’. Thomas went on to revise his book, releasing a second edition shortly before he passed away. Researchers still use his books as a foundation for further research in thermal environments today.
Thomas Bedford was a founding member and the first President of our Society. His determination to progress the initiative, along with the determination of the other 49 founding members, is the reason the British Occupational Hygiene Society exists today.