UKHCA – Hearing Conservation – Listen Up – Change is coming!
Join us at this year conference to be the first to hear about exciting developments in the world of hearing conservation.
As the HSE launches its new work plan focussed on noise – be the first to hear about the findings from their initial round of inspections.
We will be running streams around the topics of hearing protection and new technology, health surveillance and health checks, and a focus on the challenges for the music and entertainment sector and public health where our population listening habits are changing.
As expectations and opportunities for improving hearing conservation become increasingly apparent and prioritised across regulators and standards setting bodies – be amongst the first to hear about what you can do to be not only complaint but leading the field in hearing conservation.
This conference is aimed at those with responsibility for managing noise risks, academics involved in developing the evidence and science base, health professionals, acousticians, regulators and aligned professional bodies.
We welcome submissions for presentations on any topic around hearing conservation but particularly on hearing protection, new technology, case studies of good hearing conservation practice, emerging evidence on noise, hearing health and sound. Please send a short title, summary of content, speaker and affiliation to