Scotland Regional Webinar – Legal Issues Affecting Occupational Hygiene & President-Elect Presentation
Professor Kevin Bampton reviews the latest legal issues in Occupational Hygiene and Asbestos, with a focus on developments in Scotland.
This includes consideration of exposure limits, proposals coming from Europe which may impact in practice and a renewed focus on industrial disease in the Scottish Parliament. He will also deal with issues relating to the liability of Occupational Hygiene consultants and what recent caselaw is suggesting about client responsibility for workplace exposures. Kevin Bampton is CEO of BOHS, Chair of British Standards Insitute’s Health and Safety Management Committee and a former Professor of Public Law.
BOHS President-Elect, Chris Keen, will also talk about her presidential theme of broadening access to occupational hygiene for hard to reach groups, such as agency workers and those employed by very small businesses. She will also talk about the need for a more sustainable approach to occupational health risk management at all levels with an increased focus on prevention of harmful exposures and better management of workplace controls.
Kevin Bampton
Professor Kevin Bampton is Chief Executive Officer of the British Occupational Hygiene Society and a former legal academic, United Nations Expert and Foreign Office Adviser. He has had a lifelong passion for sustainable development, environmental protection and worker health protection, reflected in his current role working for the UK's professional body for Occupational Hygiene.
Chris Keen
Chris is a chartered occupational hygienist with 35 years of experience in assessing hazardous substance exposure and risk control strategies. She has worked across a broad range of industries, from the major hazards sector to manufacturing, construction and agriculture. She is technical lead for occupational hygiene at HSE’s Science and Research Centre in Buxton. Chris has been a BOHS board member for 2 years and is currently president-elect of the society.