Occupational Hygienists and Workplace Risks Webinar
About the session
Phil and Andrea will discuss how occupational hygienists can help employers and managers understand ‘hidden’ workplace health risks and the important role played by routine use good hygiene practices. They will also focus on ways of motivating workers and managers to follow good hygiene practices as a way of helping to prevent serious work-related illnesses such as cancer, asthma, skin diseases and deafness.
Topic: Occupational Hygienists and Workplace Risks
Speakers: Phil Roberts, BOHS Member HSE and
Andrea Wheale, BOHS Member
About Phil
Phil is a chartered member of BOHS and has been a HSE specialist inspector for over 10 years, including work in the offshore sector. Phil has a degree in Chemistry and prior to joining HSE worked in the chemical industry as an industrial process chemist.
Within HSE Phil is the topic lead for RPE and assisted in the development of the face fit testing guidance document INDG 479. Phil has authored numerous expert witness reports and is regularly involved in HSE enforcement and prosecution activities in relation to ill health caused by work activities.
Pre-registration required at:
Link: https://iosh.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsc-iorz0uHdDs5193ex1djxruvpPDgw-k
Access to this meeting: will be closed 10 minutes after the start time.
Questions to the speaker: can be submitted to: southcumbrianorthlancashire@ioshnetworks.com before the meeting or, you can type questions and comments into the Zoom chat panel during the meeting. The chairman will then either put the question to the speaker or, ask the questioner to switch on their microphone and put the question themselves after the main meeting.